Re: How to create a stacked bar chart with Widgets
HI @Justin G , I believe you would like a stacked bar chart with just three values in it representing the parent rows, correct? I don't think there is a way to show just those three parent rows in a …1 · -
Re: How to use a formula to show the row # in a cell
Hi @Sherry Fox and @Bert Hoffbeck , I've seen several options for doing this in the Community. The one I use is to go ahead and create an Auto Number column. I'll call it RowID. Then create a second …2 · -
Re: If, And, Or formula
Hi @Julie Caliri , You may be trying to do too much with one formula. Also, taking this approach may make changes in the future more difficult. I would recommend the following steps which may seem a …2 · -
Re: How do I automate removal of rows?
Hi @Blue Rock Planning , Wouldn't it be nice if that were possible? This is a basic database function related to enforcing referential integrity, Unfortunately, SS isn't a database. It consists of fl…1 · -
Re: Is there a Way to Emulate SUMPRODUCT In Smartsheet With a Cross Sheet Reference?
Hi... yeah. Sorry. IF() won't work on a range like that. Instead you'll want to use INDEX/MATCH. Try this: =[SheetAValue]@row * INDEX({SheetBValue}:{SheetBValue},MATCH( [SheetAROW#]@row,{SheetB: ROW#…1 ·